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22-09-2009 19:10



 Two wheeler




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Robots - Two wheeler - Balancing.
To be able to balance on two wheels the robot needs to know how much it is tilted from the vertical plane. This is usually achieved by using two different sensors, one accelerometer and one rate gyro.
The accelerometer measures static and dynamic acceleration where static acceleration can be converted to tilt. I decided to go with the ADXL203 by Analog Devices, it has a measuring range of ±1.7g and outputs a voltage of ±1000mV / g centered around 2.5V - perfect for the PIC's A/D converter.
The rate gyro measures the rate of turn, I bought the ADXRS150 also that made by Analog Devices. This sensor outputs a voltage proportional to the rate of turn, ±12.5mV/°/s in this case. It has a bias of 2.5V (nominally) so if you were to spin the sensor at 5rpm the output would be 2.5V ±375mV depending on the direction of turn.
So, if the ADXL203 can measure tilt why can't we just use it and be done with it? Well, the  signal from the accelerometer is proportional to the tilt only as long as the force of gravity is the only force acting on the sensor. But in order for the robot to move it will have to accelerate and this acceleration will be picked up by the sensor and trick the PID regulator to believe the tilt angle of the platform is different from what it really is.
I searched the net trying to find out exactly HOW the signals from these two sensors should be combined and terms like complementary filters and Kalman filtering kept turning up. Some quick research on the subjects indicated that the math involved was way over my head. So now what....
Well, what's better than a little trial and error? I mounted the two sensors on a solder less breadboard, added another deck to robot and mounted the PIC development board to it and started testing. Hope you don't mind the beer cans in the photo, they where used as a stand for the robot....well, that too.....
After a while I had a robot that at least seemed like it wanted to stay upright. Basically, what I ended up with was to just sum the signals from the accelerometer and gyro and feed that to the PID regulator.
Here's a couple of low-res videos of the robot trying to stay balanced.

This gave me enough confidence to continue the development. As can be seen in the videos the robot tends to run back and forth quite a bit. This is because the robot has no information of the actual position. To solve this I wanted to put encoders on the wheels so that the CPU can measure the actual distance traveled and adjust the set point for the desired tilt as a mean to drive the robot back to it's starting position, or any position.
Another advantage of the encoders on the wheels is that the CPU may be able to measure the actual acceleration of the platform and adjust the value from the accelerometer accordingly, effectively removing the platforms acceleration from the reading. Well, that's the theory anyway....
One more thing that that the videos shows is that it tends to vibrate and oscillate quite a bit when it's being pushed. That's actaully what I'm trying to induce in the first video above. I believe this is partly due to the accelerometer picking up the robots accelleration and partly because the gyro is quite sensitive and the D-term of the regulator acts hard on any "noise" in the input signal. be able to fit the encoder I had to rebuild the base of the robot.

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