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2009-09-29 15:44



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CNC - The second machine - Problems

Sometimes things don't work out as they should and this section of the site is dedicated to such times. I will try to collect information about the various mistakes I may make and what problems I may run into while enjoying this exciting hobby.

Dirty ballscrews.

When I first set up the machine I had my Geckodrive G210's set to 5uSteps per fullstep. Then one day I decided to change it to 10uSteps in hopes of getting it even smoother than it was. While testing and tuning the new setup the Y-axis made some strange "klonking" noice now and then and the needle on the dial test indicator I had set up made huge jumps back and forth. At first I suspected the G210 but after talking to a couple if helpfull gentlemens at the Geckodrive Yahoogroup the focus shifted from electrical to mechanical. I took the Y-axis ballscrew out and this is what I found:

This, apparently, is not very healthy for a precision component and is in good need of some cleaning.

After cleaning both the nut and the screw and reloading the balls in the nut I put the screw back on the machine.


It wasn't really a suprise when the Y-axis sounded a LOT smoother than before and by tuning the trim-pot on the G210 a little I could get it even better. It is still "ringing" at some speeds but it's alot better than before. See for you self if you like:

This video shows the Y-axis before cleaning the ballscrew. And this one is after the cleaning. You can see the "ringing" I mentioned but I couldn't get it to go smoother that this.




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