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Mach3 VB Editor


Mach3 has a built in macro/scripting engine based on a product called Cypress ENABLE. The scripting engine let's you edit the standard M-codes but also enables you to create custom M-codes that can be called from your G-code. A typical example is modifying the M6 macros to operate an automatic toolchanger.

Another use of the scripting engine is the button scripts. Behind some of the buttons on the Mach3 screen there's a macro which is run when you click that button (the RefAll button being one of them). Those macros can be changed to work different from what they do out-of-the-box. The RefAll button for example can be changed so that the axis home's in a different order or even all at the same time. It's also quite easy to add your own buttons and embedd macros in them to do custom things.


The macros can be created and edited with any standard texteditor, like Notepad for example, but Mach3 has a built in editor with nice features like syntax colouring, single stepping and breakpoints which can be a big help when writing, testing and debugging complex macros. The editor may not look "much" compared to modern IDE's (Integrated Development Enviroment) but it does what can be expected of it. 


The editor is started by selecting Operator/VB Script Editor and it looks like this:



Besides all the commands in the CYPRESS ENABLE language Mach3 has a quite a few commands  that are callable from the macros. These commands can be used to read values from the various DRO's (GetDRO), check status of Mach3's LED's (GetLED) and tell Mach3 to move the machine to a certain position (Code "G0 X10") among a lot of other things.



Let's say we want to create a button that "cycles" thru the screens in Mach3. At our disposal we have a macrocall, GetPage(), that returns an Integer stating which screen is displayed at the moment. All we need to do is increment that number by one and then call another command, DoOEMButton() that "pushes" the correct screen select button for us. There are 50 screens available in Mach3 and by calling the command DoOEMButton() with a number between 1 and 50 that particular screen is displayed. The standard Mach3 screenset has only 6 screens so we write the code so that only those first 6 screens will get displayed.


Dim Screen As Integer               'Declare a variable of type Integer
  Screen = GetPage()               
   'Ask Mach3 which screen is being displayed now.
  Screen = Screen + 1              
   'Increment that number...
  If Screen > 6 then Screen = 1 
'and make sure it stays between 1 and 6
'Then display the next screen.



Suppose our spindle motor has a springloaded break that needs to be activated before we can turn the motor on. The relay for the break is driven by Mach3's Output #3. When the spindle is stopped the break should de-activate. What we do is to modify the existing M3 and M5 macros to look like this:

'---=== M3 Macro ===---

'Release the break
  Sleep (200)                            
    'Wait 200mS
'Start spindle


The ActivateSignal(Output3) does just that - activates Output #3 then we wait 200mS using the Sleep command to make sure that the break has enough time to release. Finally we call DoSpinCW() which actually starts the spindle. In previous versions of Mach3 the Sleep command had to be declared inside the VB-code but that is now handled by Mach3 internally.


To turn the spindle OFF and apply the break we modify the M5 macro to look something like this:

'---=== M5 Macro ===---

    'Turn off the spindle
  While GetOEMLED(813)        
'Check the Dwell-LED and loop...
    Sleep (50)                           
     'here until it turns OFF
'Apply the break.


First we call DoSpinStop() which is a Mach3 "command" to stop the spindle. In this case the break is not supposed to actually break the spindle but to hold it in place once it's stopped so it wouldn't be a good idea to activate the break before the spindle has come to a complete stop. To do that we can look at Mach3's LED number 813. This is the Dwell LED and it is ON while the spindle spins down. The duration of the spin-down time is set in Mach3. Once the Dwell LED goes off we call the command to turn off our output. We use the sleep command here too but for another reason. If we wouldn't have the sleep command inside the While-Wend loop the scripting engine would try it's best to check the LED as fast it possibly could which would use up a lot of CPU power. By issuing a sleep of 50mS the LED is only checked around 20 times per second instead of tens of thousands. 



Here's a macro that closes down Mach3 and shuts down the PC. If saved as M300.m1s for example we can call that instead of M30 at the end of the G-code and it will shut down the PC for us.

  Code "M30"                                 'Stop and rewind
  If IsLoading = 0 Then               
 'Is the code loading or should we actually run it?
    Message("Shuting down...")  
'Tell operator we are shutting down.
'OEMButton705 shuts down the PC
  End If


When Mach3 loads a G-code program it runs thru it to be able to create the toolpath display among other things. This means that our macro code actually gets executed which in this case would shut down the PC as soon as the G-code program loads - not very good.

To prevent that from happening we can call IsLoading(). It returns TRUE (or the value 1) if the code executes due to it being loaded or regenerated by Mach3. If the macro is run because the G-code is actually being executed IsLoading() returns FALSE (or the value 0). If the G-code is executing we "push" OEMButton 705 which shuts down Mach3 and the PC.

Genrally it's not recomended to call one macro from another like is being done here but it this case it seems to work just fine.



Basically anything you can do in G-code can be done from a macro by sending G-code statements to Mach3 with the Code-command. Here's a (very simple) example:


Dim i As Integer                    'Declare a variable, i, of type integer
  Code "G91"                          'Switch to INC mode.
  For i = 1 To 5                       'Loop 5 times
    Code "G0 X5"                   'Move the X-axis 5 units
    Code "G0 Y5"                   'Move the Y-axis 5 units
  Code "G90"                         'Switch back to ABS mode.



We can also use the scripting engine to create G-code for us. By calling the command OpenTeachFile() all Code-statements from now on will be written to that file instead of being executed by Mach3. We can then ask Mach3 to load the previously created file by calling LoadTeachFile(). The following example shows how that can be used. It displays a series of dialog boxes asking the user to enter information and "writes" the code based on the data entered. The code can easily be extended with features like error-handling (user enters non numeric data, for example).


Dim Xpos, YPos, SpindleSpeed, Feed, Depth As Double
Dim Clearance, Peck, Dwell As Double
Dim i, Holes As Integer

  OpenTeachFile "G83 Drill.tap"                                                      
 'Open the teachfile, name G83 Drill.tap

  SpindleSpeed = InputBox("Please enter desired spindle speed:")    
 'Ask user to input spindle speed
  Feed = InputBox("Please enter desired feedrate:")                          
'Ask user to input feedrate
  Code "M3 S" & SpindleSpeed & " F" & Feed                                 
 'Write G-code to file.

  Holes = InputBox("How many holes to drill?")                                
 'Ask user how many holes to drill

  If Holes > 0 Then
    Depth = InputBox("How deep are they?")
    Peck = InputBox("How deep per peck?")
    Clearance = InputBox("Please enter the Z axis clearance height between holes")
    Dwell = InputBox("Please enter dwell time in seconds")

    Xpos = InputBox("X coordinate for hole no. " & 1 & "?")
    Ypos = InputBox("Y coordinate for hole no. " & 1 & "?")

    Code "G83 X" & XPos & " Y" & YPos & " Z-" & Depth & " R" & Clearance & " P" & Dwell & " Q" & Peck

    For i = 2 To Holes
      Xpos = InputBox("X coordinate for hole no. " & i)
      Ypos = InputBox("Y coordinate for hole no. " & i)
      Code "X" & Xpos & " Y" & YPos

    Code "G80"
  End If




This example creates a file called myFile.txt in the Mach3 folder. It then reads the current position of the X-axis and writes it to the file. Lastly it closes the file.

Dim X as Double
  Open "C:\Mach3\myFile.txt" For Output As #1
  X = GetDRO(0)
  Print #1, X
  Close #1


And here's code that opens the file created in the previous example and reads a single line from it. It then asks the user if it's OK to move the X-axis to the position stored in the file.

Dim Answer
Dim newPos As Double
  Open "C:\Mach3\myFile.txt" For Input As #2              
'Open the file for reading
  Line Input #2, newPos                                                    
 'Read the first line of the file

  Answer = MsgBox ("Is it OK to move the X axis to: " & newPos & "?", 1)

  If Answer = 1 Then                                                          
'You pressed OK
    Code "G0 X"& newPos                                                  
'Make the move
  End If

  Close #2                                                                             
'Close the file



This snippet of code simply takes the content of the tool table in Mach3 and saves it to a .txt file. The will be saved in the Mach3 directory as myTools.txt but that can obviously be changed whatever is needed.


Option Explicit
Dim Response As Integer
Dim Path As String
Dim ToolNumber As Integer
Dim ToolDiameter As Double
Dim ToolLength As Double
Dim ToolDescription As String
Dim i As Integer

Path = GetMainFolder & "myTools.txt"

Open Path For Output As #1

Print #1, "Mach3 Tooltable printout" & Date() & " " & Time(Now)
Print #1,""
Print #1, "Tool:" & Chr(9) & "Diam:" & Chr(9) & "Length:" & Chr(9) & "Description:"

For ToolNumber = 1 To 250
   ToolDiameter = GetToolParam(ToolNumber, 1)
   ToolLength = GetToolParam(ToolNumber, 2)
   ToolDescription = GetToolDesc(ToolNumber)
   Print #1, ToolNumber & Chr(9) & ToolDiameter & Chr(9) & ToolLength & Chr(9) & ToolDescription

Response = MsgBox("Your file is at the following location: " & Path, 0)

Close #1


On the Mach3 Yahoo user group a user asked if it was possible to change the acceleration of an axis from a G-code program. The idea behind the question to create a program which kept increasing the acceleration while running the axis back and forth in order to find a suitable value. I usually just do it thru trial and error but I kind of liked the idea so I came up with the following code.


(This has actually been expanded a bit from what I originally posted).

Option Explicit
Dim CurrAcc As Double
Dim AccIncrease As Double
Dim Axis As Integer

If IsLoading() <> 1 Then
  Axis = Param1() ' Get P-value in call
  AccIncrease = Param2() ' Get Q-value in call.

  Select Case Axis

  Case 0 'X-axis
    CurrAcc = GetParam("AccelerationX") ' Get current acceleation.
    SetParam("AccelerationX", CurrAcc + AccIncrease) ' Set new acceleration.

  Case 1 'Y-axis
    CurrAcc = GetParam("AccelerationY") ' Get current acceleation.
    SetParam("AccelerationY", CurrAcc + AccIncrease) ' Set new acceleration.

  Case 2 'Z-axis
    CurrAcc = GetParam("AccelerationZ") ' Get current acceleation.
    SetParam("AccelerationZ", CurrAcc + AccIncrease) ' Set new acceleration.

  Case 3 'A-axis
    CurrAcc = GetParam("AccelerationA") ' Get current acceleation.
    SetParam("AccelerationA", CurrAcc + AccIncrease) ' Set new acceleration.

  Case 4 'B-axis
    CurrAcc = GetParam("AccelerationB") ' Get current acceleation.
    SetParam("AccelerationB", CurrAcc + AccIncrease) ' Set new acceleration.

  Case 5 'C-axis
    CurrAcc = GetParam("AccelerationC") ' Get current acceleation.
    SetParam("AccelerationC", CurrAcc + AccIncrease) ' Set new acceleration.

  End Select
End If


If the above is saved as, for example, M1234.m1s it can be called from a G-code program. So if we wanted to run the Y-axis back and forth, increasing the acceleration by 25 units/s/s each time the G-code program could look something like this:

G0 Y100
G0 Y0
M1234 P1 Q25



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